Sunday, June 3, 2012

10 Funniest Tweets of the Week

 1. @JDShapiro


 2. @mollylambert


 3. @ConorTripler


 4. @GotDeportedYolo


 5. @NotYourName


 6. @NickSchug


 7. @jeffreymax


 8. @TheRealEdHansen


 9. @saralizzzz


 10. @thepatrickwalsh


Molly McAleer, writer for 2 Broke Girls and HelloGiggles co-founder, curates this week’s Twitter comedy, and she’s taking a less-traditional approach.

Do they sell Spanx that cover your entire life?
— Molly McAleer (@molls) April 21, 2012

“My favorite Tweets this week are — for the most part — nontraditional,” says McAleer. “You’d never hear them in a stand-up act or see them printed on a bumper sticker, but they’re hilarious to me just the same.”

McAleer is a Twitter veteran, having joined the site in 2006. Back then, she says, it was a small community of her “favorite Internet-types, uber dorks and a bunch of random folks from Godknowswhere.” Before hashtags, retweeting and “@” replies, it was a random directory of users you stumbled upon without interaction.

“People would quite literally answer Twitter’s prompt question of ‘What’s going on?’ with things like, ‘Driving home from work and passing a candy factory. The highway smells like Butterfingers,’” says McAleer. “I found that to be very charming.”

But Twitter has evolved into something else completely now. Social media has altered traditional journalism. One of the most profound examples of the shift within news organizations on Twitter came after the Iran election, and since then, Twitter’s become the primary source for breaking news and celebrity deaths.

It’s also a great source of entertainment, especially for comedians.

“Over the last couple of years, Twitter (or at least my feed) has become a place to read and share jokes and quips,” says McAleer. “While I enjoy humor as much as the next person, this has been my least favorite era of Twitter. I find it to be the least interesting.”

What McAleer does like about Twitter, and the Internet altogether, is that she has control over what she wants to see and can ignore the rest. Her favorite people on Twitter are the ones who make her laugh without trying.

“I mean, save trying for your paycheck or your family or something legitimate, right? Let’s maybe just bask in the ordinary, the silly, the unique ways that people naturally share their voice,” says McAleer. “Do I sound like a hater? I don’t mean to be a hater.”

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